Actually Finished
I talk about my Hawaii Knitting, including the Spotlight Sweater and Prism hat, which I knit for my cousin's baby to be
Actually Working
I talk about the Hufflepuff Socks I'm knitting from the Canon Hand Dyes yarn I bought at Stitches West
I talk about some socks I'm knitting from Knit Picks Felici
I talk about some Lollipop Yarn socks
I talk about the Ravello sweater I am knitting from some yarn I dyed using techniques from the Craftsy Class Professional Yarn Dyeing at Home
I talk about the Flyway Twist shawl I am knitting. This is knit with some review yarn I recieved from Manos Del Uruguay, in their Milo base
I talk about the Polygon Blanket from the Tincan Knits book Mad Colour
Actually Stashed
I talk about the Manos Del Uruguay Alegria that I received to review
I talk about the Hedgehog Fibres I bought at Longmont Yarn Shoppe
I talk about the Meadow Mountain Wool I was sent to review in the Alpine and Green River bases
I talk about some Berry Colorful Yarnings that I ordered from the Loopy Ewe in the Snozberry colorway
Actually Hand Dyed
I talk about the Easter Sock blank I dyed with the kids this year
I talk about the yarn I dyed to make a Hamilknit hat for my son's teacher.
Actually Attending
I am planning to attend the Fancy Tiger Anniversary celebration
I am planning to attend the Estes Wool Market on Saturday, June 10