Episode 9 Show Notes:

Welcome to the Episode 9 of the Knit Actually Podcast! I hope you enjoyed the episode.

Actually Finished

·         Actually Working

o    Italk about projects I am currently working on including

·         Actually Hand Dyed

o    I talk about some yarn I dyed for a friend from work. It was MCN fingering, and I dyed it to be variegated, with Bright Aqua, Carribean blue and two shades of Twilight Gray. I was VERY happy with the results!

·         Actually Attending

o    Yarn Along the Rockies, August 22 – 30 www.yarnalongtherockies.com

o    Salida Fiber Festival September 12-13

o    Open House at The Lemonade Shops Yarn August 22

·         Actually Stashed

Actually Designing -- I recently published the Adelaide Cowl    I would love some folks to test knit this, please let me know if you are interested!                  

I talk about a new book by Kate Atherley: Custom Socks: Knit to Fit your Feet

I talk about the Pigskin Party KAL from the Down Cellar Studio podcast

  • Thank you for listening!!!! 
