Episode 17 Show Notes:
Welcome to the Episode 17 of the Knit Actually Podcast!
· Actually Working
· Italk about projects I am currently working on including
o My son’s Denver Broncos Scoreboard Scarf
o Baley Sweater for my son
· Actually Stashed
o I visited Purl Soho, but didn’t make it to Knitty City or Downtown Knits
o I talk about the Cooper Hewitt Museum
· Actually Attending
o Handweavers Guild of Boulder Annual Sale , November 4-8
o Interweave Yarn Fest, March 31 – April 3
§ List of Workshops is here. Registration is now open!
I’m registered for Building your Design Career with Dora Ohrenstein and the Design Master Class with Shirley Paden
§ Current list of vendors is here
o I’m participating in and sponsoring the Pigskin Party KAL at the Down Cellar Studio Podcast
o Socktember / Socktober KAL
I’m hosting my first KAL! The Kate Atherley book has me inspired to knit EVEN MORE Socks. I wanted everyone to have plenty of time, so instead of just Socktober, I’m starting early in Socktember! I’ve started a chat thread on the Ravelry group, along with a thread to post your FOs. One entry per FO! Or post your FO photos on Instagram, using the hashtags #knitactuallypodcast and #kapsocktober. I have 3 sock patterns published on Ravelry, so if you want to knit any of those socks use coupon code SOCKTOBER for $2.00 off!
o I have some AMAZING sponsors lined up who are donating some lovely prizes!
§ Sarah from Ewe Sew and Sew is donating one of her medium project bags
§ Kaitie from mintrain have donated a beautiful skein of yarn in her Christmas Bobbles colorway. She has also created a coupon code for free shipping, SOCKTOBER
§ Ann and Jolane from Two Sisters Yarn Company have donated a skein of their yarn in the Wine Country colorway
§ Melanie from KnitStitch Yarn has offered a coupon code for 10% off and free domestic shipping. The code is KNITACT10
§ Jackie from Luna Grey Fiber Arts has offered a skein of her Celeste Sock Yarn in the Techno colorway
§ Katy from ModularModular is donating one of her great project bags
§ Cooperative Press is donating two electronic copies of their great sock books, Big Foot Knits by Andi Smith and Sock Architecture by Lara Neel
§ Ashley from Fiber Fan Girl is donating a skein of sock yarn
§ Shari from Peepaloo Fibers is donating two $8 credits to her shop
o Thank you SO MUCH to all our generous sponsors!
o Knit Knosh will be a food, wine and yarn tasting, on January 23, 2016 at 1 pm. I’m excited to announce that the event will take place at Samples World Bistro I’m EXTREMELY excited to announce the participating yarn companies:
o MJ Yarns
o Knerd
· Actually Reviewed
o I review the Cooperative Press book Boys Knits by Katya Frankel
§ I’m excited to have the opportunity to give away a copy of this great book. Post to the Ravelry Group which pattern you would knit, and for who, before November 30 for your chance to win the book!
o Thank you for listening!!!!