Episode 14 Show Notes:

Welcome to the Episode 14 of the Knit Actually Podcast!

·         Actually Wearing

o    It’s finally cool enough to wear my recently finished Briquette by Alicia Plummer

·         Actually Finished

o    My second Rose City Roller, this one using the OMG Heel       

o    Vanilla Socks

o     Briquette by Alicia Plummer

·         Actually Working

·         Italk about projects I am currently working on including

o    Socks for my Husband for Christmas

o    Vanilla Socks

o    More Vanilla Socks

o    True by Joji Locatelli

o    My son’s Denver Broncos Scoreboard Scarf

o    Chevron Baby Blanket             

·         Actually Stashed

o    I talk about the next installment of the Magnolia Society Yarn Club

o    I talk about the Knit Picks yarn I ordered for the Scoreboard Cowl KAL and the Chevron Baby Blanket

·         Actually Reviewed

o    I review the Cooperative Press book Sock Architecture by Lara Neel. I’m planning to test a lot of the heels and toes from the book on the Rose City Rollers I’m knitting, and also on the socks I’m working on right now

·         Actually Attending

o    Dyeing Yarn Class at Fancy Tiger Crafts, October 21

o    Handweavers Guild of Boulder Annual Sale , November 4-8

o    Interweave Yarn Fest, March 31 – April 3

§  List of Workshops is here. Registration is now open!
I’m registered for Building your Design Career with         Dora Ohrenstein and the Design Master Class with Shirley Paden  

§  Current list of vendors is here

o    I’m participating  in and sponsoring the Pigskin Party KAL at the Down Cellar Studio Podcast

o    Socktember / Socktober KAL

I’m hosting my first KAL! The Kate Atherley book has me inspired to knit EVEN MORE Socks. I wanted everyone to have plenty of time, so instead of just Socktober, I’m starting early in Socktember! I’ve started a chat thread on the Ravelry group, along with a thread to post your FOs. One entry per FO! Or post your FO photos on Instagram, using the hashtags #knitactuallypodcast and #kapsocktober.  I have 3 sock patterns published on Ravelry, so if you want to knit any of those socks use coupon code SOCKTOBER for $2.00 off!

o    I have some AMAZING sponsors lined up who are donating some lovely prizes!    

§  Sarah from Ewe Sew and Sew is donating one of her medium project bags

§  Kaitie from mintrain have donated a beautiful skein of yarn in her Christmas Bobbles colorway. She has also created a coupon code for free shipping, SOCKTOBER

§  Ann and Jolane from Two Sisters Yarn Company have donated a skein of their yarn in the Wine Country colorway

§  Melanie from KnitStitch Yarn has offered a coupon code for 10% off and free domestic shipping. The code is KNITACT10

§  Jackie from Luna Grey Fiber Arts has offered a skein of her Celeste Sock Yarn in the Techno colorway

§  Katy from ModularModular is donating one of her great project bags

§  Cooperative Press is donating two electronic copies of their great sock books, Big Foot Knits by Andi Smith and Sock Architecture by Lara Neel

§  Ashley from Fiber Fan Girl is donating a skein of sock yarn

§  Shari from Peepaloo Fibers is donating two $8 credits to her shop

o    Thank you SO MUCH to all our generous sponsors!

·         Knit Knosh

o    I’m FINALLY ready to start to share some details for the local event I’ve been planning. Knit Knosh will be a food, wine and yarn tasting, on January 22, 2016 at 1 pm. I’m working to finalize the location, and the website will be up this week. I’m EXTREMELY excited to announce that Bijou Basin Ranch and MJ Yarns will both be participating at the event!

·         Thank you for listening!!!! 
